Cutera Excel V+ for Facial Redness & Pigmentation

What is excel V+ and how does it work?

The Cutera excel V+ is the latest generation laser technology designed with input from leading dermatologists and has superior power and performance in treating vascular and pigment concerns.

The Excel V+ uses clinically proven wavelengths of either 532nm (green light) or 1064nm (infrared) to deliver energy which is absorbed by blood vessels, melanin (pigment) and/or deeper layers of skin (collagen). The laser energy achieves results by heating the target tissue to shrink unwanted blood vessels, reduce pigmentation or inflammation, and stimulate collagen production

 The Cutera excel V+ has an in-built cooling system for superior comfort and safety. Discuss with your dermatologist further if you have pigment concerns you would like to address. At HCDL all laser or light-based therapies are performed or directly supervised by your treating dermatologist

What does Excel V+ treat?

Excel V+ treats more than twenty dermatological conditions and aesthetic skin concerns.

The most common include:

 Before and After | Cutera Excel V+ for Facial Redness & Pigmentation


How long does the treatment take and how many sessions will I need?

Depending on the area(s) and type of condition, treatment times vary from a few minutes to 30 minutes. Results are typically seen after 1-3 treatment sessions, but individual response may vary depending on your condition.

What does the procedure feel like?

Excel V+ treatments are usually well tolerated and are described as feeling similar to a warm rubber band snapping against the skin. Depending on the procedure a gel may be applied and a cooling plate may be in contact with the skin to provide improved results and additional comfort. Topical anaesthetics are generally not used.

What do I need to do before and after the treatment?

We ask that you don’t wear makeup or sunscreen to your procedure. You should avoid significant sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before and after the treatment. It is recommended to apply a SPF 50+ sunblock daily for 2 weeks after treatment. Avoid skin irritants (e.g: products containing vitamin A compounds, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.) a few days post-treatment.

What are the possible side effects, and is there any downtime?

Excel V+ is a non-ablative laser meaning that it does not break the skin surface. Redness and/or swelling can be expected following treatment that will peak 24-48 hours afterward and usually resolves within a few days. Brown spots and pigmentation will darken after treatment and peel off over the following 5-7 days. Typically you can wear makeup or sunscreen and return to normal activities immediately. Before treatment your doctor will ask a series of screening questions and discuss potential risks related to any existing medical conditions.

How do I book a treatment and what are the costs?

Book in for a consultation with one of our dermatologists or Dermal therapists/Laser Nurses. Our team will discuss your treatment goals with you during your consult. The results will vary depending on your age, degree of sun damage and skin type, as well as what parameters your doctor or nurse uses. Costs are variable and will be discussed in detail on the day.

For more information about this procedure, including costs for the consultation and treatment contact our team on (02) 4003 7693.


Not sure if our Treatments are right for you?

Our friendly Dermal therapists and Nurses are here to help you! Our team perform a thorough and expert consultation to help you address a variety of skin concerns and discuss you skin care in detail, alongside the suitability of our cosmetic and laser based treatments.

Our Dermatologists are focused on your medical and/or surgical management and also perform certain laser based treatments and injectables.

Our team will create a thorough treatment plan tailored to you.

Contact us by calling our friendly team (02) 4003 7693 or book online today!