Book your appointment at HCDL
To make an appointment please phone: (02) 4003 7693
Our Location
Level 3, 95 Pacific Highway
Charlestown NSW 2290
Phone: (02) 4003 7693
Fax: (02) 4989 9764
Email: admin@huntercoastderm.com.au
Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
Parking Information
There is free undercover parking located within our building for HCDL patients. This parking is accessed from Frederick Street, just off the Pacific Highway. Follow the sign ‘Patient Parking for Hunter Coast Dermatology & Laser’. This will take you up a ramp and you may park in one of the car parks provided. A lift from the car park will take you directly to level 3, where you will find the practice.
Alternatively, free timed, street parking is available along-side the building and nearby streets. Charlestown Square is a large shopping centre conveniently located around 250m from our building and has undercover parking.
General Enquiries
For non-urgent enquiries, please contact us using our online contact form & reception staff will review your enquiry within normal business hours.
Please note that this form should not be used to report an emergency or to seek medical advice. In an emergency call Triple Zero (000).