Anti-Wrinkle Injections
What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?
Anti-wrinkle injections are a quick, minimally invasive way to improve fine lines and wrinkles and therefore the effects of aging on the skin. They have been in medicine for over 20 years, without any general health problems.
We are all unique and therefore prior to treatment, a pre-treatment assessment with your Dermatologist is essential to discuss your suitability for anti-wrinkle injection and address your individual questions and concerns.
Dermatologists are one of the most highly trained specialists for cosmetic injectables.
Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe and effective way to reduce dynamic and eventually static lines. Your Dermatologist will discuss a treatment plan with you, including discussing pharmaceutical grade products to enhance your skin texture and tone over time. They will also provide you with a treatment plan for your anti-wrinkle injections and provide a quote for treatment.
Watch our lovely patient receive anti-wrinkle injections for forehead lines, crows feet and frown lines.
Before & After | Anti-wrinkle Injections

How do anti-wrinkle injections work?
Anti-wrinkle injections have been shown to lead to a:
Preventative reduction of excessive expression lines that can lead to permanent wrinkles.
Reduction of vertical frown line between the eyebrows
Reduction of horizontal worry lines on the forehead.
Reduction of crow’s feet at the side of the eyes.
Reduction of bunny lines on the nose
What does the procedure involve?
Anti-wrinkle injections are introduced into the skin via small injections using a very fine needle. Injections are placed in targeted muscles and are usually well tolerated. The number of injections may range from 5 to 20 and depending on the areas treated. No local anaesthetic is needed as the sting is not intense and only transient.
What happens after the treatment and how long will results last?
Immediately after injections, redness and less commonly, bruising can occur at the injection site.
This usually settles over 24 to 48 hours. Make up can be applied immediately after treatment. Results usually last 3 to 4 months after treatment.
What are the unwanted side effects?
In older patients, temporary drooping of the brow may occur if too much relaxation of the horizontal forehead lines is performed. This tends to settle gradually over a few weeks.
Minor and temporary drooping of the eye or eyes can occur in 1% of patients. This usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks and can be corrected with prescription eyedrops. Similarly, temporary double vision can occur in 1% of the population.
Rarely, a transient headache may occur. It is useful to remember that the above unwanted side effects are uncommon and temporary.
We do not treat you with Anti-wrinkle injections if you are:
Pregnant or breast feeding
Under 18 years old
Individuals with a history of stroke, paralysis, nerve, or muscle disease.
Anyone with emotional, mental, or medical condition that can impair judgement.
Anyone with a history of significant adverse reactions to these injections.
How to minimise bruising:
We advise, if possible, to stop blood thinners such as fish oil, aspirin, non-steroidal antiinflammatory medications, such as neurofen up to 5 days prior to treatment. However, it is not necessary to stop, if these medications are for established medical conditions.
Why should I choose HCDL to have my anti-wrinkle injections?
HCDL is owned and operated by Dermatologists who are recognised at the most experienced and highly trained doctors in the area of skin. The Dermatologists at HCDL have extensive experience in facial anatomy, surgery and facial aesthetics.
At you initial consultations your dermatologist or nurse practitioner will take the time to discuss your goals with you and answer any questions you may have. It is our goal to provide natural looking results and soften facial lines, not to make you look overdone. We will ensure you have short-term planning including optimal dosing and anti-wrinkle injection placement, as well as long-term treatment to refine your aesthetic outcomes.
If you have any further questions, or would like to book in for an anti-wrinkle injection consultation please contact our reception staff on (02) 40037693.
Not sure if our Treatments are right for you?
Our friendly Dermal therapists and Nurses are here to help you! Our team perform a thorough and expert consultation to help you address a variety of skin concerns and discuss you skin care in detail, alongside the suitability of our cosmetic and laser based treatments.
Our Dermatologists are focused on your medical and/or surgical management and also perform certain laser based treatments and injectables.
Our team will create a thorough treatment plan tailored to you.
Contact us by calling our friendly team (02) 4003 7693 or book online today!
Not sure if our Treatments are right for you?
Our friendly Dermal therapists and Nurses are here to help you! Our team perform a thorough and expert consultation to help you address a variety of skin concerns and discuss you skin care in detail, alongside the suitability of our cosmetic and laser based treatments.
Our Dermatologists are focused on your medical and/or surgical management and also perform certain laser based treatments and injectables.
Our team will create a thorough treatment plan tailored to you.
Contact us by calling our friendly team (02) 4003 7693 or book online today!
Not sure if our Treatments are right for you?
Our friendly Dermal therapists and Nurses are here to help you! Our team perform a thorough and expert consultation to help you address a variety of skin concerns and discuss you skin care in detail, alongside the suitability of our cosmetic and laser based treatments.
Our Dermatologists are focused on your medical and/or surgical management and also perform certain laser based treatments and injectables.
Our team will create a thorough treatment plan tailored to you.
Contact us by calling our friendly team (02) 4003 7693 or book online today!